Just a few days left in New Orleans!

Garrett and I are very busy getting ready to leave the city.  Between sorting through our belongings – packing most of them for DC and bringing what we need for the road trip, purchasing hiking and camping gear, and planning the route we’ve got a lot on our plate.  I’m done with my job (yay!) and Garrett has just three more shifts at F&M’s concluding with our unofficial going away party on Saturday in the disco.  We leave Monday with the Jeep, U-haul and Gaga for DC, will arrive there on Tuesday and fly back to New Orleans Wednesday evening.  We’ll have our final dinner (all are invited – details TBD) and then head out Thursday morning for our first destination – Houston, to visit Stephen and Banks.  Be sure to follow our blog for updates and photos as we travel across America over the next two months!

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