Going Away Party and Updates!

Garrett and I went out with a bang at F&M’s on Saturday night.  He and Tyler worked their last shift together upstairs and so many of our friends were able to make it.  We had a blast and it was the perfect way to celebrate our last days in New Orleans.  Thanks to everyone who came!











Yesterday Joe, April, Leah, and Meredith came over to help us pack up the kitchen and move.  Unfortunately it was pouring rain all day so we were unable to get the u-haul.  However, Joe was very helpful in getting us packed up and cleaning up the house so our subletters could move in.  Thanks Joe!  Today we’ve been running around doing some last minute errands and getting the hitch installed on the Jeep.  We will get our stuff out today and get on the road to DC either tonight or tomorrow.

We will have our going away dinner in New Orleans most likely Wednesday night, maybe Thursday if we don’t get to DC in time and need to change our flight.  It will be at Superior Grill around 7, so just text us if you’d like to come!!

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