Road Trip

  • Little Bavaria

    July 28, 2015 by

    We arrived at Callie’s, Stephanie’s sister, house around 10 PM and caught up. I had never met Callie before and Stephanie hadn’t seen her since Thanksgiving. We talked for an hour over some wine and then went to a local bar called Horseshoe Saloon for a drink. The next morning we took our time to… Read more

  • The Beaver State

    July 14, 2015 by

    We arrived in Eugene around 5 PM and stayed with our new friend Melanie. She had an adorable dog that was a cross between a Pomeranian and a Husky. Stephanie fell in love. We chatted a bit and then both took a long shower since we spent the last 2 days camping. After we got… Read more

  • Sequoia Sempervirens

    July 2, 2015 by

    I awoke from my lovely Super 8 slumber at about 4am without the ability to regain unconsciousness so I decided to read an /r/askreddit thread about crazy things that have happened in National Parks – most of which involved cougars.  So, that was great for me considering my extreme fear of cougar attack.  Garrett finally… Read more

  • California! Here We Come!

    July 1, 2015 by

    After two beautiful days of camping in Sacramento, we drove down I-80 to San Francisco. We arrived in china town to get some delicious dim sum. We had some of the best dim sum we’ve ever eaten, but the menu was in Chinese and a little hard to decipher. After filling ourselves, we hit the road… Read more

  • Ratchet Regina & Reno

    June 25, 2015 by

    About an hour and a half outside Vegas Regina decided she was done with her back left tire and it exploded as well, yay!  Luckily we were somehow, once again, within just a few miles of a tiny town in the middle of absolutely no where.  We called the only tire shop in the 1,000… Read more

  • Sin City

    June 23, 2015 by

    We made the drive up from Sedona to the Grand Canyon without a hitch. We drove into the South Rim of the Grand Canyon to get our America the Beautiful pass which gives us free admission to any national park for a year. We pulled into the parking lot of the visitors center and Stephanie… Read more

  • Phoenix aka “wow it looks like a desert”

    June 18, 2015 by

    We left Albuquerque by 7:00 a.m. on June 11th, having both woken up prior to our 6:30 a.m. alarm.  If you know us, you know that we had to REALLY want to get out of there in order to willingly wake up that early.  Luckily we had no major disasters on our way to Phoenix,… Read more

  • Dallas – mama Betty and exploding tires

    June 11, 2015 by

    After arriving in Dallas on Saturday evening we went to mama Betty’s favorite Mexican food place, La Hacienda Ranch.  They had changed the menu since I last went while visiting during Christmas two years prior, however, it was still very good.  We then returned home and played Yahtzee before retiring for the evening. The next… Read more

  • H-Town, Stay-Down

    June 11, 2015 by

    We got into Houston Wednesday night around 6:00 PM and spent two and a half days enjoying Stephen and Banks’ new house. Waiting for us at their house was our new camera so we could document our trip or forget to take pictures at all the important places. Thursday was spent running errands to finish… Read more

  • Fail City

    June 5, 2015 by

    Well, things did not go as planned, to say the least.  After getting the hitch put on the Jeep on Monday and picking up the U-haul trailer, Joe helped Garrett and I move everything out of our old house.  We stopped back by Joe’s to pick up Gaga and headed out for DC around 7:00… Read more

  • Going Away Party and Updates!

    June 1, 2015 by

    Garrett and I went out with a bang at F&M’s on Saturday night.  He and Tyler worked their last shift together upstairs and so many of our friends were able to make it.  We had a blast and it was the perfect way to celebrate our last days in New Orleans.  Thanks to everyone who… Read more

  • Just a few days left in New Orleans!

    May 28, 2015 by

    Garrett and I are very busy getting ready to leave the city.  Between sorting through our belongings – packing most of them for DC and bringing what we need for the road trip, purchasing hiking and camping gear, and planning the route we’ve got a lot on our plate.  I’m done with my job (yay!)… Read more

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